Due to an increase in fuel moistures, relative humidity, and a positive weather outlook, the burn ban that was in place ended on Thursday, September 16, 2021.
Due to an increase in fuel moistures, relative humidity, and a positive weather outlook, the burn ban that was in place ended on Thursday, September 16, 2021.
Due to low fuel moisture, low relative humidity, and being in drought conditions, effective today, Madison Fire Department, in conjunction with the Board of County Commissioners of Madison County, has declared a temporary open fire ban. This temporary ban will be in place from July 13, 2021 until September 30,...
As a precautionary measure to protect our first responders and staff, Station 1 is closed to ALL visitors as of March 17, 2020. NO VISITORS ARE ALLOWED (only on-duty responders and staff are allowed into Station 1) If you need to speak to someone, please call (208) 359-3010. We appreciate...